Let’s talk about love…


Registrar vs Humanist Ceremony-What’s the difference?

Although there is legally no difference, a humanist wedding ceremony is completely personalised to whatever you want. A humanist celebrant can do your wedding any day of the week, and anywhere you choose! From hotels to your back garden, we can perform your ceremonies almost anywhere non-religious. We usually will also only do one ceremony a day, to ensure your ceremony is not restricted by times. Registrars tend to have very strict deadlines and often multiple ceremonies on one day.

A humanist ceremony is completely unique to you, and designed to flow the way you want it to - whether it’s 4 readings, a song integrated, or telling your love story the way you want it. Registrar weddings tend to be pre-scripted and are very limited in how long a time slot you can have. In addition, with a registrar there are no meetings or personalised elements, and that’s where humanist ceremonies really shine in celebrating couples.

How much will this cost?

I charge £600 in total for my services. Although this is more than a city hall registrar, this reflects the amount of additional work involved in creating your bespoke ceremony. It can take a number of hours to gather information on you as a couple, to then sculpt into a first draft for you to consider, then re-edits to get it just the way you want. This fee also includes coffee meets or zooms and of course your ceremony, as well as edits and amendments to ensure everything is perfect.

* Please note additional travel/ requirements may require a separate quote if outside the normal services.

Payment plans?

I appreciate that weddings are an expensive event to plan for anyone. For this reason I am more than happy to work with any couple to help make payment as easy as possible. To secure a date, I require a minimum deposit of £200.00, however the deposit is non-refundable. It can be transferred to another date if I am available. I am always happy to work with you.

Any other costs?

There are 2 other costs that need factored into your budget.

  • To get the paperwork for your ceremony it is a fee of £44 to the G.R.O pre-registering and checks.

  • There is also an admin fee to the humanist network, which is £40 per couple.